Common Flu Shot Myths

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It is flu season again! Have you gotten your annual flu shot this year? Come on into St Louis Hills Pharmacy to get that marked off your to do list. If you have any questions about the flu shot, they can be answered from one of our pharmacists. There is a lot of myths about the shots. Here are some flu shot myths everyone should know.

#1 The flu shot can give you the flu

False. The flu shot does not have any strains of an active flu virus. You might experience symptoms such as, low-grade fever, body aches, and/or headache shortly after receiving the flu shot. This is because your body is building immunity to fight against the flu virus.

#2 Being vaccinated last year will protect you this year

False. Last year’s flu shot will not protect you this flu season. Every year, there is a new strain of the flu virus. This requires a new flu shot every year to be protected.

#3 Healthy people do not need the flu shot

False. Flu shots are recommended for every person over the age of six months old. Getting the flu shot will reduce the risk of flu-associated hospitalizations. It will also help protect older and immunocompromised people who have a higher risk of severe illness.

#4 Pregnant women should not get the flu shot

False. Pregnant women should especially get the flu shot. Women’s immune systems are weaker than usual during pregnancy. The flu shot is safe at any stage of pregnancy.

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